Washington Post, 9 Oct 07. "From Child on Street to Nobel Laureate," by Christopher Lee.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 26 Mar 07. "Global Initiative to Fight Trafficking Launched."
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Dec 04. Volume 1036 Youth Violence: Scientific Approaches to Prevention, "Dangerous and Endangered Youth: Social Structures and Determinants of Violence," by Nancy Scheper-Hughes. Structural violence is violence that is permissible, even encouraged. It refers to the invisible social machinery of inequality that reproduces social relations of exclusion and marginalization via ideologies, stigmas, and dangerous discourses (such as "youth violence" itself) attendant to race, class, sex, and other invidious distinctions. Structural violence "naturalizes" poverty, sickness, hunger, and premature death, erasing their social and political origins so that they are taken for granted and no one is held accountable except the poor themselves. Structural violence also refers to the ease with which humans are capable of reducing the socially vulnerable (even those from their own class and community) into expendable non-persons, thus allowing the licence—even the duty—to kill them. I exemplify this through two ethnographic critical case studies: the operation of a virulent death squad in Northeast Brazil that mobilized the support of ordinary people in an almost genocidal attack against Afro-Brazilian street kids and young "marginals"; and the uneasy truce with, and incomplete integration of "dangerous and endangered" youth still living in squatter camps and shack communities of urban South Africa.
US Department of Labor (Bureau of International Labor Affairs), 31 Jul 02. "Advancing the Campaign Against Child Labor:
Efforts at the Country Level," identifies 33 countries in which the problem is present and documents the laws, policies and programs adopted by those countries to combat abusive child labor.
US Department of Labor (International Child Labor Program), Jun 02. "The Department of Labor's 2001 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor," reporting on 143 countries.
US Department of Labor (International Child Labor Program), 17 May 02. "Advancing the Global Campaign Against Child Labor: Progress Made and Future Actions," a report of the conference hosted by the US Department of Labor,
in collaboration with the International Labor Organization, on May 17, 2000 at the United States Department of Labor in Washington, DC.
International Labour Organization (ILO)/A>, Apr 02. "Every Child Counts: New Global Estimates on Child Labour," International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC), Statistical Information and Monitoring Programme on Child Labour (SIMPOC).
Mother Jones, Nov-Dec 00. "Underage Unions: Child Laborers Speak Up," by Sarah Bachman.
World Health Organization (Department of Adolescent Health and Development) and US National Institute on Drug Abuse (Office of Science Policy and Communication, International Program), 17-19 Sep 00.
"Street Children and Drug Abuse: Social and Health Consequences."
World Health Organization, 2000. "Working with Street Children: A Training Package
on Substance Use, Sexual and Reproductive Health, including HIV/AIDS and STDs."
Module 1: A Profile of Street Children
Module 2: Responsibilities of Street Educators
Module 3: Understanding Substance Use among Street Children
Module 4: Understanding Sexual and Reproductive Health, including HIV/AIDS and STDs among Street Children
Module 5: Determining the Needs and Problems of Street Children
Module 6: Responding to the Needs and Problems of Street Children
Module 7: Teaching Street Children
Module 8: Selected Health Care Needs for Street Children
Module 9: Involving the Community
Module 10: Implementing a Street Children Project
Associated Press (AP), 15 Jun 99. "Limited Steps to Curtail Sweatshops", by Sally Buzbee.
Amnesty (Amnesty International UK) Mar-Apr 99. "On the Streets."
Washington Post,. "A Look at Children of War: Trained to Kill, and Growing in Number," by
Vivienne Walt.
World Health Organization (social Change and Mental Health), Jul 98. "."The Rapid Assessment and Response Guide on Psychoactive Substance Use and EspeciallyVulnerable Young People (EVYP-RAR)."
UNICEF, 3 Apr 98. "The Convention on the Rights of the Child: A Powerful Tool for the Future."
Inter Press Service (IPS), 15 Feb 98. "US: Right-Wingers Block U.N. Children's Treaty," by Thalif Deen.
Global March Against Child Labor, 27 Jan 98. "Global March on Five Continents Targets Child Labor."
Human Rights Watch, 23 Jan 98. "Stop the Use of Child Soldiers!"
YMCA World, Dec. 97. "The Invisible Girls."
United Nations, 31 Oct 97. "War against Child Labour Can Be Won within 15 Years, ILO Representative Tells Third Committee."
World Health Organization, Programme on Substance Abuse, 24 Jun 97. "Psychoactive Substance Use Among Street Children and Other Children and Youth in Especially Difficult Circumstances.
SAPA-AP, 26 Mar 97. "Despite Safeguards, Children's Rights Are Still Ignored."
Amsterdam Child Labour Conference, 26 Feb 97. "Debate between Representatives of Working Children in Plenary."
Belfast Telegraph, 24 Jan 97. "New Life for Abandoned Bin Baby," by Ian McTear.
The Saskatoon StarPhoenix, 12 Nov 96. "250 Million Children in Labor: ILO."
US News and World Report, 11 Nov 96. "Invincible Kids: Why Do Some Children Survive Traumatic Childhoods Unscathed?"
Ottawa Sun, October 1996. "Suffer the Little Children" series on street children of the world.
Khaleej Times (UAE), 10 Oct 96. " 'Round Up For Children' Campaign: Funds Raised by Hotel Forwarded to UN."
Christian Science Monitor," Aug-Sep 96. "Multi-part series: Safeguarding the Children."
World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, 27-31 Aug 96. Articles and commentary:
TIME, 2 Sep 96. "Preying on the Young," by Thomas Sancton.
TIME, 2 Sep 96. "Why Do They Do Those Terrible Things?" by Alice Park.
OneWorld New Service, 1 Sep 96. "Children and Sex."
OneWorld New Service, 31 Aug 96. "Agenda for Action against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children," adopted by World Congress.
OneWorld News Service, 31 Aug 96. "I Hope that You Will Not Only Listen, but that You Will Act...," by Bruce Harris.
OneWorld News Service, 28 Aug 96. "OneWorld Editor's Lettter: Protecting All Children's Rights."
Christian Science Monitor, 22 Aug 96. "Sexually Exploited Youths Draw World's Vigilance," by Cameron W. Barr.
Oxfam Feb 96. "Multilateral Debt: The Human Costs."
UNICEF Headquarters, New York, Children in Especially Difficult Circumstances Section, Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge and Childwatch International, 1996. Children and Prostitution: How Can We Measure and Monitor The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children?."
UNICEF, Dec 95. "The State of the World's Children 1996."
Reuters. "Charity Chronicles Global Spread of Sex Tourism."
Washington Post, 16 Apr 95.
"Children Bear Brunt of Modern Wars: Rebel Armies, Counterinsurgencies Create Young Soldiers--and Casualties, by Molly Moore.
Inter Press Service (IPS), 20 Jan 95. "UN Study Faults World Bank 'Social Safety Nets'," by Jaya Daya.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
(includes full text).
OneWorld, regularly updated. "The Rights of a Child."
Washington Post, 20 Aug 95. "No-Name Movement Fed by Fax Expands: Political Networks Combine Technology, Fear," by Dale Russakoff.
Letter to Constitutent, 15 Jun 95. "UN Convention on the Rights of the Child," by Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN).
Congressional Record, 14 Jun 95.
US Senate Resolution 133: Relative to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Congressional Record,
14 June 1995. Remarks of Senator Jesse Helms (R-SC)
Action Request, 15 May 95. "UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Jeopardy," by Bonnie Hayskar.
Record, 24 Feb 95. US Senate: The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Congressional Record, 16 Feb 95. US Senate: UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
UNICEF, 10 Feb 95. "U.S. Signs Convention on Child Rights."
World & I, 1991. "Children Without Rights in Latin America," by Maria Cristina Salazar and Felicia Marie Knaul.
Washington Post, 19 Apr 91. "Senators Press Bush to Sign UN Children's Rights Treaty," by Paul Taylor.
Labor Video Project, 4 Nov 94. "US Child Labor Law Conflicts with GATT."
Los Angeles Times, 11 Jan 94. "The Littlest Victims of Global 'Progress,'" by Robin Wright.
Los Angeles Times, 11 Oct 93. "Maurice Sendak: Facing the Frightful Things, by Pamela Warrick.
World Health Organization -
Programme on Substance Abuse, Jul 93. "A One-Way Street?
Report on Phase I of the Street Children Project." Switzerland: (Document is over 90 pages long, divided into 9 parts)
Washington Post, 11 Aug 93.
"The Vatican's Children," by Judy Mann.
Washington Post, 21 Apr 91.
"Killing the Children of the Third World," by Lori Heise.
Washington Post, 6 Dec 88.
"Teen Prostitutes: They're Trapped, With Little Help in Sight," by Deborah Churchman.
Christian Science Monitor, 30 Jun 87.
"Street children: What will become of the world's `nonpeople?'" by Kristin Helmore.