Lives of Guatemalan Street Children
Agnelli, Susanna. Street Children: A Growing Urban Tragedy.
Report for the Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
1986. Hardcover $30. ISBN 0297790129.
Allesbrook, Annie, and Anthony Swift. Broken Promise: The World of Endangered Children. Seven Oaks, Kent: Hodder and Stoughton, 1989. 241 pp. ISBN 0-340-50906-6.
Aptekar, Lewis. Street Children of Cali. Durham: Duke University Press, 1988. A description of the author's research in Colombia, which crosses disciplinary lines between anthropology and psychology. Hardcover $41.95. ISBN 0822308347.
Arrighi, Barbara A. America's Shame: Women and Children in Shelter and the Degradation of Family Roles.
Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1997. Hardcover, 160 pp, $86.95. ISBN 0275957322.
Adick, Christel, ed. Strassenkinder und Kinderarbeit. Sozialisationstheoretische, historische und kulturvergleichende Studien. Frankfurt/ Main: IKO, 1997. The book is devoted to a historical-comparative analysis of street and working children, their socialization and their situation in different settings in history and contemporary developments worldwide. It comprises two parts: in the first part the reader will find an introductory article by the editor on historical-comparative and theoretical approaches to the problem, as well as some other articles which highlight the topic in history and theory. The second part of the book offers case-studies on street and working children in various parts of Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. One additional article reviews the information policy of a number of NGO's in Germany which operate in the field of street and working children worldwide. The book is written in German except for one article in English. DM 34,80. ISBN 3889392369.
Ayer, Eleanor H. Overview Series - Homeless Children (Overview Series).
Lucent Books, 1997. Hardcover $28.70. ISBN 1560061774.
Ball, Alan M. And Now My Soul Is Hardened: Abandoned Children in Soviet Russia, 1918-1930
. University of California Press, 1994. Hardcover, $52.50. ISBN 0520080106.
Bass, Thomas A. Vietnamerica: The War Comes Home
. New York: Soho Press, 1996. "This is an astounding and harrowing and deeply
moving book about people who embody both the divisions and the unity of our country. The
Amerasian children of the Vietnam War are now adults and living among us, and they call us to
understand anew what it means to be an American. Vietnamerica is a very important book." -Robert Olen
Butler, Pulitzer Prize Winner. ISBN 1569470502.
Berck, Judith. No Place to Be: Voices of Homeless Children
. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992. Hardcover, 148 pp, $14.95, ISBN 0395533503.
Boxhill, Nancy A., ed. Homeless Children: The Watchers and the Waiters (Child and Youth Services, Vol 14, No 1)
. New York: Haworth Press, 1990. Hardcover, $39.95. ISBN 0866567895.
Brookman, Philip, and Jim Goldberg. Raised by Wolves
. Photographic. Distributed by Art Publishing, 1995. Paperback $45. ISBN 1881616509.
Burke, Roisin, et al. Summing Up: Our Experiences in Work with Street Children. Redd Barna Africa, 1990. An account of a workshop in which projects in Africa shared their experiences. Order: Redd Barna, Grensesvingen 7, PO Box Ettenstad, N 0602 Oslo, Norway.
Cher, Ming. Spider Boys
. William Morrow & Co., 1995. Hardcover, 220 pp, $22. ISBN 0688128580.
Children in Sudan: Slaves, Street Children and Child Soldiers
. Human Rights Watch Children's Rights Project, 1995. 110 pp, $10. ISBN 1564321576.
Coles, Robert. The Moral Intelligence of Children: How to Raise a Moral Child
. Dutton/Plume, 1997. Paperback, 240 pp, $12.95.
ISBN 0452279372.
_____. The Moral Life of Children
. Grove-Atlantic, 1999. Paperback, 320 pp, $13.50. ISBN 0871137704.
_____. The Spiritual Life of Children
. Boston: Hougton Mifflin, 1991. Paperback, 335 pp, $13.00. ISBN 0395599237.
Cutler, Evan Karl. Runaway Me: Survivor's Story
. A Blooming Press, 1994. Paperback, 384 pp, $14.95. Author Evan Karl Cutler
lived through nearly two years on the streets himself. "I was one of the lucky ones,"
Cutler says, "I ran away at fifteen - and survived." This book tells his story and provides
concrete advice for teens and their parents. ISBN 1884607152.
Dacosta Nunez, Ralph. The New Poverty: Homeless Families in America
. Insight Books, 1996. Hardcover, 254 pp, $25.95. Explores the issues surrounding homelessness and suggests
solutions for stemming homelessness, poverty, and welfare dependence, describing a model for a family-based system
of comprehensive residential- educational-employment training centers. Includes b&w photos and excerpts from
interviews with homeless people. Of interest to general readers, policymakers, and professionals in sociology
and education. ISBN 0306452731 (also available in paperback, ISBN 030645274X).
Danaher, Kevin, and Michael Shellenberger, eds. Fighting for the Soul of Brazil: A Project of Global Exchange
. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1995. Hardcover, 288 pp, $38.00. ISBN 0853459231 (also available in paperback,
ISBN 085345924X).
De Jesus, Carolina Maria. Beyond All Pity
. London: Earthscan, 1990. A story of Brazilian favela life. ISBN 1853830712.
Dimenstein, Gilberto. Brazil: War on Children
. London: Latin American Bureau (Research and Action) Ltd., 1991. Hardcover. ISBN 0906156637 (also available in
paperback, ISBN 0906156629).
_____. Meninas da Noite. Editora Atica, S.A., 1992. Young girls in prostitution in Brazil.
Ducker, Uwe von. Die Kinder der Strasse: Uberleben in Sudamerika (Sozialwissenschaft Fischer)
. Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1993. ISBN 3596113474.
Eberegbulam Njoku, John E. African Childhood: Poor Social and Economic Environments
. Edwin Mellen Publisher, 1993. Hardcover, $79.95. ISBN 0773492712.
Ennew, Judith. Exploitation of Children (Global Issues (Thomson Learning).)
. Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 1996. Library binding, 64 pp.
ISBN 0817245464 (also available in paperback, ISBN 0817245464; hardcover, ISBN 075021175X).
_____. Street and Working Children: A Guide to Planning (Development Manual)
. Save the Children, 1994. Paperback. ISBN 1870322827.
_____. Learning or Labouring? Essential Readings in Child Labour as It Relates to Education. Florence: UNICEF, 1994. A book of readings from key works on child work, labour and education, intended as a resource book for project managers. Order: UNICEF, Piazza SS Annunziata 12, 50122 Florence, Italy.
_____. Street and Working Children: A Guide to Planning. London: Save the Children Fund, 1994. A guide for starting or improving a project working with the homeless and working children. By offering ideas and examples of methods that have worked elsewhere, the author provides a comprehensive account of existing interventions and the problems they face. Order: Save the Children UK, Mary Datchelor House, 17 Grove Lane, Camberwell, London SE5 8RD United Kingdom.
_____. The Sexual Exploitation of Children
. St. Martin's Press, 1986. ISBN 0312713533.
_____. Child labour in Jamaica: A general review (Child labour series)
. Anti-Slavery Society, 1981. ISBN 090091811X.
Ennew, Judith, and Brian Milne. The Next Generation: Lives of Third World Children
. London: Zed Books, 1989. Hardcover, 226 pp. ISBN 0862327806 (also available in paperback, ISBN 0865711569).
Falla, Ricardo. Massacres in the Jungle: Ixcan, Guatemala, 1975-1982
. Boulder: Westview Press, 1994. Hardcover 268 pp. ISBN 0813386683 (also available in paperback, ISBN 0813386691).
Fernekes, William, and Beverly Edmonds. Children's Rights: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)
. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 1996. $39.50 hardcover only; 364 pp; ISBN 0874367466.
Fine, Yehudah. Times Square Rabbi: Finding the Hope in Lost Kids' Lives
. Minneapolis, MN: Hazelden Publications Group, 1997. Paperback, 220 pp, $14.95. Set amidst the harsh street subculture of New York City, this is the
inspirational account of Rabbi Yehudah Fine's efforts to help the struggling kids he finds there—and the positive and often miraculous
changes that take place in their lives. Each of the book's stories recounts a life Fine has touched, while illustrating a principle of his
8-step program for self-discovery and renewal--a program based on the teachings of the Hebrew philosopher
Maimonides, whose teachings remain as relevant and powerful a guide to inner growth and spiritual reawakening on the cusp of the 21st century
as when written in the 12th century. Times Square Rabbi dramatically illustrates how crisis can produce
profound transformation, and how one person can make a difference in the lives of others. ISBN 156838145X.
Chalofsky, Margie, Glen Finland and Judy Wallace. Changing Places: A Kid's View of Shelter Living
. Gryphon House, 1992. Paperback, 61 pp, $5.95. Captures the voices of eight homeless children, ages 6 to 13. "A wonderful little book, gentle
and moving, and I hope it will be read by children."--Jonathan Kozol, author of Savage Inequalities in America's
Schools. "Draws a touching picture of children's incredible strength and clarity under very difficult
circumstances."--Marian Wright Edelman, President Children's Defense Fund. ISBN 0876591616.
Garbarino, James. Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them
. Anchor Books, 2000. Paperback, 288 pp. ISBN 0385499329.
Garbarino, James, Nancy Dubrow, Kathleen Kostelny, and Carole Pardo. Children in Danger: Coping with the Consequences of Community Violence (Jossey-Bass Social and Behavioral Science Series.)
. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishing, 1992. ISBN 0787946540.
Gabarino, James, Edna Guttman and Janis Wilson Seeley. The Psychologically Battered Child (Jossey Bass Social and Behavioral Science Series)
. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishing, 1986. ISBN 1555420028.
Gabarino, James, Kathleen Kosetelny and Nacy Dubrow. No Place to Be a Child: Growing Up in a War Zone
. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishing, 1991. Hardcover, 192 pp. Explores the lifelong psychological impact of war and violence on children. ISBN 0669244414 (also available in paperback, ISBN 0787943754).
Generation Under Fire: Children and Violence in Colombia
. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1994. Paperback, $10. A significant number of murders of children are the direct responsibility of
the state in Colombia. The book is concerned with the human rights of children targeted by state
agents for murder and torture; state-tolerated vigilante violence against children (eupehistically
referred to as "social cleansing"); the murder by armed insurgents or their clients of children in open
violation of international humanitarian law; widespread state neglect of the rehabilitation and
appropriate incarceration of abandoned and violent children, which fuels the "social cleansing;" and
the generalized impunity enjoyed by the killers of children, beginning with agents of the state.
ISBN 1564321444.
Gibel, Lawrence C. Attitudes of Children toward Their Homeless Peers (Children of Poverty)
. Garland Publishing, 1997. Hardcover $20.00. ISBN 0815325398.
Goldberg, Jim, and Philip Brookman. Raised by Wolves
. Scalo Publishers, 1995. Paperback, 315 pp. ISBN 1881616509.
Greenberg, Keith Elliot, and Carol Halebian. Erik Is Homeless
. Lerner Publications Company, 1992. Library binding. A photographic essay about a nine-year-old boy who is homeless in New York City. ISBN 0822525518.
Grossfeld, Stan. Lost Futures: Our Forgotten Children
. New York: Aperture, 1997. $45.00.
Review by Brian Quinby: "For those of us whose work is with children, Boston Globe Associate Editor
and two time Pulitzer-Prize winner (among a whole host of other awards) Stan Grossfeld has produced an impressive body of work that begs a place on
our shelves. Grossfeld has, over time, allowed his camera to drift from its assigned focus to that of what our world is
doing to our children. In sections ranging from 'Dispair in the Land of Hope,' ' Children of the Harvest,' 'Dirt Poor: Haiti and Madagascar,' 'Profiting
from Child Labor,' 'Children for Sale,' and 'Living with the Dead' (just to name
a few, Gossfeld gives us images and text that are not for the squeamish.
These are the photographs of the nightmares that we have created and can
not escape ... a little boy harvesting crops in a Florida field ... a five-year-old
who lost his hand in a converyor belt wondering 'Ma, are you still
gonna to love me with one hand?'... a sixteen-year-old girl in her Mexico
City sewer home high on glue ... a fifteen-year-old prostitute in Bangkok
wearing the number 29 so she can be easily identified by prospective
clients . . . No, these are not happy pictures and this is not a happy book
that will grace middle-class coffee tables. This book is about shame . . .
yours, mine, ours . . . that we, in this day and age, would do this to
children. Buy this book. Buy this book because we need to be reminded that this is wrong and this
must stop if we are ever to become the civilized world that we claim to be.
Buy this book because Grossfeld is donating his royalties to UNICEF." ISBN 0893816965.
Groth, B. L., and Jane Hertensten. Home Is Where We Live: Life at a Shelter Through a Young Girl's Eyes
. Chicago: Cornerstone Press, 1995. Paperback, $7.95. ISBN 094089534X.
Guatemala's Forgotten Children: Police Violence and Abuses in Detention
. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1997. ISBN 1564322130.
Hatkoff, Amy, and Karen Kelly Klopp. How to Save the Children
. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992. ISBN 0671769979.
Hecht, Tobias. At Home in the Street: Street Children of Northeast Brazil
. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Hardcover $59.95. Through modest, sober and honest ethnography, Hecht lays bare the received truths about the lives of
Brazilian street children. This book changes the terms of the debate, asking not why there are so many
homeless children in Brazil but why, given the oppressive alternative of home life in the shantytowns,
there are in fact so few. Speaking in recorded sessions, street children asked one another questions
that even the most experienced researcher would be unlikely to pose. Guided by the children's questions,
Hecht cuts through the hysteria and hyperbole surrounding street children in Brazil. ISBN 0521591325 (also available in paperback,
ISBN 0521598699).
Heusel, Karen J. Homeless Children: Their Perspectives (Children of Poverty)
. Garland Publishing, 1995. Hardcover $38.00. ISBN 0815320345.
Homelessness: Impact on Child Welfare in the 90's
. Child Welfare League of America, 1992. Paperback $6.95. ISBN 0878684948.
Hubbard, Jim. Lives Turned Upside Down: Homeless Children in Their Own Words and Photographs
. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. $17.00. Four children tell, through their own photos and heartfelt narration, what it's like to be homeless.
Jim Hubbard, founder of Shooting Back, an education and media center that enables homeless children to
learn photographic skills and document their world, chose children from various parts of the country with
differing views of what it means to be homeless. The resulting photo essay provides an emotionally powerful,
personal view of an issue that affects us all; 39 black-and-white photos. ISBN 0689806493.
_____. Shooting Back from the Reservation: A Photographic View of Life by Native American Youth
. New Press, 1994. A collection of b&w photos taken by Native children and teens on reservations in the Midwest and the Southwest, with
comments and poetry by the young photographers. Hubbard's first Shooting Back project concentrated on
children living in a homeless shelter in Washington, DC. ISBN 1565842065.
Kilbride, Philip Leroy, and Janet Capriotti Kilbride. Changing Family Life in East Africa: Women and Children at Risk
. Pennsylvania State University, 1990. Hardcover $29.95. ISBN 0271006765.
Koplow, Lesley. The Way Home: A Child Therapist Looks at the Inner Lives of City Children
. Signet, 1994. ISBN 0451628624.
Kozol, Jonathan, and James Wade, ed. Amazing Grace: The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation
. Crown, 1995. Hardcover, 286 pp. A bestselling author despite, or perhaps because of, the disturbing news he
brings readers. Kozol--whose Savage Inequalities spent four weeks on the New York Times
bestseller list--speaks once again to the conscience of the country. This book offers an unforgettable,
moving portrait of the lives of a handful of desperately poor children, living in the South Bronx, who
retain their innocence and wonder against all odds. ISBN 0517799995 (paperback published by
Harperperennial Library, 1996, ISBN 0060976977; audio cassette published by Brilliance Corp., 1995,
ISBN 1561004413; cassette and hardcover edition published by Bookcassette Sales, 1996, ISBN 1561002755).
_____. Death at an Early Age
. New American Library Trade, 1990 (reissue edition). Paperback $11.95. ISBN 0452262925.
_____. Illiterate America
. New American Library Trade, 1988 (reissue edition). Paperback $12.95. ISBN 0452262038.
_____. Rachel and Her Children: Homeless Families in America
. Fawcett Books, 1989. Paperback $10, reprint edition. ISBN 0449903397.
_____. Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools
. New York: Harper Perennial, 1992. Paperback reprint edition, 1992, $13.50. National Book Award-winning author Jonathan Kozol presents his
shocking account of the American educational system in this stunning New York Times bestseller,
which has sold more than 85,000 hardcover copies. The book provides readers with an opportunity to get
involved with a postcard they can sign and mail to the president at the White House; a controversial,
searing expose of the inequalities in the American public school system. ISBN 0060974990 (six unabridged
audio cassettes published by Bookcassette Sales, 1991, ISBN 1561000868).
Kryder-Coe, Julee H., Lester M. Salamon and Janice M. Molnar, eds. Homeless Children and Youth: A New American Dilemma
. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1991. Hardcover, $34.95. ISBN 0887383866.
Lessa, Aury. Os Caminhos da Rua. Teresina, Brazil: Secours Catholique/Caritas France, 1994.
Life on the Mean Streets: Experiences of Working with Street Children. Bombay: Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA), 1992. An account of the early work of YUVA in Bombay. Order: YUVA, 8 Ground Floor, 33L Mugbat Cross Lane, Bombay - 400 004 India.
Lively, K. L., and Paul F. Kleine. The School As a Tool for Survival for Homeless Children (Children of Poverty)
. Garland Publishing, 1997. Hardcover, $34.00. ISBN 081532619X.
Lucchini, Riccardo. Niño de la calle: Identidad, sociabilidad, droga (Papeles de ensayo)
. Libros de la Frontera, 1996. Spanish, 352 pp. ISBN 8482550225.
_____. Drogues et societe: Essai sur la toxicodependance
. French, 301 pp. Editions Universitaires, 1985. ISBN 2827102994.
_____. Culture et societe: Une introduction a la sociologie generale
. French, 310 pp. ISBN 2827101505.
Lundy, Katherine. Sidewalks Talk: A Naturalistic Study of Street Kids (Children of Poverty)
. Garland Publishing, 1995. Hardcover $58.00. Explores the subculture of homeless adolescents based on interviews and
observation from Lundy's perspective as a nurse clinician at a crisis center for runaway and homeless teenagers, as well as
previous studies. Recounts their shared experiences in the context of family and community, and delves into their values,
attitudes, and beliefs. HIV and crack cocaine are seen as defining qualities of their lives, and their marginalization as a mechanism to
protect the dominant culture at the expense of the youths' welfare. Full of vignettes. ISBN 0815320140.
Mansilla A., and Maria Eugenia. Los Petisos: Una Aproximacion Analitica y Alternativa al Mundo de los Niños en y de la Calle. Lima: Radda Barnen, 1986.
Marks, Mary Ellen. Streetwise
. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988. Paperback, 77 pp. ISBN 0812212681.
Maturi, Anibal. Los chicos de la calle
. Buenos Aires: Editorial Galerna, 1987. Paperback, 200 pp. ISBN 9505561938.
Maza, Penelope L., and Judy A. Hall. Homeless Children and Their Families: A Preliminary Study
. Child Welfare League of America, 1988. Paperback, $7.25. ISBN 0878682864.
Mitidieri, Dario, and Firdaus Kanga. Children of Bombay
. Dewi Lewis Publishing, 1995. Hardcover $45.00. Some 30,000 children are homeless in Bombay; living on its streets, under bridges, in railway stations, anywhere they can to escape harrassment by both police and criminals. Considered a nuisance and with no rights, they are at best ignored by the majority of people. Sexual exploitation, drug addiction and criminal gangs make this a cruelly hazardous background for these young people.
ISBN 1899235000.
Minehan, Thomas. Boy and Girl Tramps of America (Americana Library)
. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1934; new edition University of Washington Press, 1977. ISBN 0295954507.
Moorehead, Caroline, ed. Betrayal
. London: Barrie and Jenkins, 1989; first US edition Doubleday, 1990. ISBN 0385410972.
Myers, William, ed. Protecting Working Children
. London: Zed Books, 1991. A series of articles on research and planning. ISBN 1856490068.
Naidoo, Beverley. No Turning Back: A Novel of South Africa
. HarperCollins Juvenile Books, 1997. Hardcover, 160 pp, $14.95. Escaping from his violent step-father, 12-year-old Sipho heads for Johannesburg,
where he has heard that gangs of children live on the streets. Surviving hunger and bitter-cold winter
nights is hard--but learning who to trust in the "new" South Africa proves even more difficult. ISBN 0060275057.
Nieuwenhuys, Olga. Children's Lifeworlds: Gender, Welfare and Labour in the Developing World
. London and New York: Routledge, 1994. Hardcover. An account of research in Kerala, India, with rural child workers, which includes a discussion on the difference
between work and labour. ISBN 0415097509 (also available in paperback, ISBN 0415097510).
O'Connor, Karen. Homeless Children (Lucent Overview Series)
. Lucent Books, 1989. Hardcover. Discusses the causes and prevention of homelessness and what is being done to help solve this problem.
ISBN 156006109X.
Parker, Julie F. Everything You Need to Know About Living in a Shelter (Need to Know Library)
. Rosen Publishing Group, 1995. ISBN 0823918742.
Penglase, Ben. Final Justice: Police and Death Squad Homicides of Adolescents in Brazil
. Human Rights Watch, 1994. Paperback $15.00. ISBN 1564321231.
Percy, Melanie S. Not Just a Shelter Kid: How Homeless Children Find Solace (Children of Poverty)
. Garland Publishing, 1997. Hardcover $33, revised edition. ISBN 0815326181.
Pirenne, Jacqueline. Mes fils de la rue a Addis-Abeba (Collection Les Enfants du fleuve)
. Paris: Fayard, 1989. French, 330 pp. ISBN 2213020558.M/P>
Plympton, Tia Jean. Homeless Youth Creating Their Own Families (Children of Poverty)
. Garland Publishing, 1997. Hardcover, $34.00. ISBN 0815326165.
Quint, Sharon. Schooling Homeless Children: A Working Model for America's Public Schools
. Teachers College Press, 1994. Paperback $14.95. ISBN 0807733911 (hardcover $30, ISBN 080773392X).
Rainoff, Katya Morales. La calle es mejor que mi casa. La Paz: Ediciones Casa de la Cultura, 1992.
Report to the United Nations Committee Against Torture on the Torture of Guatemalan Street Children. New York: Casa Alianza, 1995.
Resener, Carl R., and Judy Hall. Kids on the Street
. Baptist Sunday School Board, 1992. Paperback $9.99. ISBN 0805450912.
Reynolds, Pamela. Dance Civet Cat
. Ohio University Press, 1991. On child labor in Zimbabwe. Interesting methods used in doing research with children. ISBN 0862329337.
Roberts, Helen, Susan J. Smith and Carol Bryce. Children at Risk?: Safety As a Social Value
. Taylor & Francis, 1995. Paperback, $24.95. Explores the causes, consequences, and policy implications of child accidents in Great Britain, drawing on survey data and interviews with parents and guardians in Corkerhill, Scotland. Reviews the literature in the field, and considers issues such as environmental hazards and risky behavior as causes of accidents,
differences in risk associated with class and culture, and strategies for risk prevention. Of interest to students in social policy, public health, and
medical sociology, health professionals, and policy makers. ISBN 0335192106.
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy. Death Without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil (Centennial Book)
. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992. Paperback $27.50. ISBN 0520075374.
_____. Child Survival: Anthropological Perspectives on the Treatment and Maltreatment of Children (Culture, Illness and Healing)
. Springer, 1987. Hardcover, 412 pp, $264.00. ISBN 155608028X.
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy, and Philippe I. Bourgois, eds. Violence in War and Peace: An Anthology (Blackwell Readers in Anthropology)
. Blackwell Publishing Limited, 2003. 512 pp. ISBN 0631223495.
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy, and Carolyn Sargent, eds. Small Wars: The Cultural Politics of Childhood
. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. Paperback, 429 pp. ISBN 0520209184.
Shane, Paul G. What About America's Homeless Children?: Hide and Seek (SAGE Sourcebooks for the Human Services)
. Sage Publishing, 1996. Paperback, 261 pp, $24.95. ISBN 0803949839 (hardcover, ISBN 0803949820).
Skeel, Dorothy J. Children of the Street; Teaching in the Inner-City
. Goodyear Publishing Co., 1971. Paperback $4.95. ISBN 087620180X.
Sullivan, Linda. The Impact of Homelessness on Children (Children of Poverty)
. Garland Publishing, 1997. Hardcover revised edition $30. ISBN 0815327625.
Swart, Jill M. Malunde: The Street Children of Hillbrow
. Witwatersrand: Witwatersrand University Press, 1889. Paperback $20. An account of research carried out by the founder of the Street Wise project.
ISBN 1868141225.
Szanton Blanc, Cristina. Urban Children in Distress: Global Predicaments and Innovative Strategies
. Langhorne, PA: Gordon and Breach, 1994. Hardcover $50.00. ISBN 2881246222 (paperback $25, ISBN 2881246230).
Temple, Gray. 52 Ways to Help the Homeless People
. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991. ISBN 0840795947.
Tierney, Nancy Leigh. Robbed of Humanity: Lives of Guatemalan Street Children
. St. Paul, MN: PANGAEA, 1997. Paperback, 304 pp, $16.00.
Robbed of Humanity provides an in-depth look at the reality that
children confront each day on Guatemala's streets. Beyond reporting the abuses that momentarily
capture international headlines, this work analyzes the conditions that compel children to leave their homes,
relationships they form on the streets, survival strategies they employ, and the near constant harassment and
brutality they suffer from police and private citizens. ISBN 0963018051.
Undy, Harry. Children Need Homes
. Marshall Cavendish Corp., 1988. Hardcover $13.95. Examines the worldwide need of children for
shelter, discussing such areas as homeless people and different types of homes. ISBN 0863079903.
Walsh, Mary E. "Moving to Nowhere": Children's Stories of Homelessness
. Auburn House, 1992. Paperback $14.95, ISBN 0865692025 (hardcover $49.95, ISBN 0865690170).
Vissing, Yvonne Marie. Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Homeless Children and Families in Small-Town America
. University of Kentucky Press, 1996. Hardcover $39.95. ISBN 081311943X (paperback $16.95, ISBN 0813108721).
Weitzman, Elizabeth. Let's Talk About Staying in a Shelter (The Let's Talk Library)
. Rosen Pub Group, 1997. Hardcover, $13.95. ISBN 0823923118.
Westman, Jack C., ed. Who Speaks for the Children?: The Handbook of Individual and Class Child Advocacy
. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Exchange, 1991. Hardcover, 392 pp. ISBN 0943158486.
Wolf, Bernard. Homeless
. Orchard Books, 1995. Hardcover $16.95. ISBN 0531068862.
Working with Street Children: Selected Case-Studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Paris: UNESCO Publishing and International Catholic Child Bureau, 1995. ISBN 92-3-103096-5. "Intended particularly for street children educators, social educators, child rehabilitation project managers, those in charge of the law and the representatives of urban public order."
Wormser, Richard. American Childhoods: Three Centuries of Youth at Risk
. Walker & Co., 1996. Hardcover, $16.95. ISBN 0802784267.
Wright, Peter Lee. Child Slaves
. London: Earthscan Publications, 1990. Paperback, 280 pp. ISBN 1853830445.
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