Asia and the Pacific

Human Rights News Agency International
31 January 1997

Burney Expresses Concern over Jailed Children in Pakistan

KARACHI -- Mr. Ansar Burney, Attorney, renowned human rights activist and chairman "Ansar Burney Welfare Trust International" has made fervent appeal to the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court and High Courts of the four provinces including Azad government of Jammu and Kashmir, to Take serious notice of the inhuman and worst treatment metedout to innocent children in Pakistani prisons by the prisons' authorities and pass necessary orders to protect them from such inhuman tortures.

Ansar Burney, Attorney in his appeal has drawn the kind attention of the judiciary chiefs to the gross violation of human rights in the prisons where even handcuffed children having heavy chains in their legs are also not spared.

Mr. Burney said in the whole country there are reports of gross violation of human rights, where minors are kidnapped, crippled and forced to go for begging their abductors and where the police and administration are behind all of these worst kinds of child abuse. Forced labour are taken by them in kin's and trained for committing pick-pocketing and when arrested by police, they are subjected to other great inhuman treatment.

He said these reports have defaming Pakistan as handcuffed children with heavy iron chains in their legs are produced in courts even and their cases are not decided for years, he deplored.

NOTE: Mr Ansar Burney, Attorney can be contacted at "Ansar Burney Welfare Trust International" 6 - Hassan Manzil, Arambagh Road, Karachi, Pakistan. Phone number: + 92 - (21) 2623382, 2623383, 2626155, Fax: 2623384 and

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