PART 3 of 3
Fundraising Sources and Tools Source Lists
16,000 organizations under one roof.
Charities, Established in 1980, America's Charities is a coalition of prestigious, national
charitable organizations providing direct services in thousands of local communities; America's
Charities provides employers with a choice of charities to present to employees recognizing the
importance of charitable choice and diversity.
Canadian Non-Profit Resource Network
Canada's supersite for the nonprofit sector.
Empower Web, website by and about non-profit
organizations, researching and funding, how to write letters of intent and grant proposals,
working with volunteers, various forms of direct mail and tele-fundraising
efforts and publications, networking with other non-profits.
Foundation Center, mission is to foster public understanding
of the foundation field by collecting, organizing, analyzing,
and disseminating information on foundations, corporate giving, and
related subjects. Our audiences include grantseekers, grantmakers,
researchers, policymakers, the media, and the general public.
Foundation Finder, search 46,000 foundations.
GuideStar, find information on the activities and
finances of more than 650,000 nonprofit organizations, the latest news on philanthropy,
and resources for donors and nonprofits.
HandsNet, empowers organizations to effectively integrate
online communications strategies, strengthening their programs and policies for children,
families and people in need.
Impact Online, in partnership with
thousands of local nonprofit organizations VolunteerMatch has built the nation's most
comprehensive and up to date database of volunteer opportunities. With VolunteerMatch
you can now easily search thousands of volunteer opportunities by zip code, category, and date;
then signup instantly by email for those that fit your interest and schedule. Opportunities are
posted directly by local organizations to keep the list of walk-a-thons, neighborhood cleanups,
tutoring dates, building sites, meal services, and other activities accurate and up to date.
The service is free and powered by you.
Institute for Global Communications, is a nonprofit
organization that provides alternative sources of information as well as online access and
comprehensive Internet services for progressive individuals and organizations.
Internet NonProfit Center, information for and about nonprofit organizations.
SERVEnet, the world of service and volunteering.
Macrocosm USA, a non-profit educational
clearinghouse emphasizing environmental, justice, peace, health issues and solutions for progressives
Nonprofit Resources Catalogue, links to resources for and about nonprofits since 1994.
OneEarth Gallery, is a browsable public service directory recognizing
progressive organizations and companies working to improve our culture and environment through their
resources and actions.
One World Online, a community of over 350 leading global justice organizations.
Praxis, resources for social and economic development.
Resource Center of the Americas
The Resource Center of the Americas is a Minnesota-based nonprofit which
operates as a center for popular education, information, policy analysis,
organizing, and change. We address the root causes of conflict and promote
peaceful and stable communities across the hemisphere, and serve to inform
people about the political and economic conditions across the Americas.
World Policy Institute
Since joining the New School for Social Research in 1991, the World Policy Institute has sought to adapt its traditional mission of policy research and advocacy on critical world problems to the New School's tradition of creative adult education. It has done so at a time when the traditional subject of international diplomacy and world politics itself is being transformed by dramatic world changes from the end of the Cold War to the increasing blurring of the line between domestic and international concerns.
Human Rights Treaties Library at Tufts University
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (full text)
International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights (1966)
International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights (1976)
American Convention on Human Rights (in force 18 July 1978)
Additional Protocol on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights (1988)
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